The best song in history is ....

There is no source more powerful than music. Music has the ability to change our mood . It can motivate us , spark inspiration , comfort us in times of need or sorrow , open up memories from our past and much more .

On average people are spending around 18 hours a week just listening to music. The impact that it has on our lives is huge . And the fact that so many people are listening to music on a daily basis shows just how much we are reliant on it . Whether its on your commute to work , at the gym , in the office , when you’re going for a run/walk, when you’re having a dinner party …. music is all around us .

But it is also the emotional impact that it has on us . When we are sad , we tend to listen to sad songs in times of comfort , if we are happy when tend to listen to more upbeat music so on and so forth. And it is with this notion that I have found what the best song in history is …

It is YOUR best song.

No two people are alike and no two people have the same tastes in music and with that being said , no two people have the same connection to a single track . People have different reactions to different songs . The best song is the song that you , specifically, resonate with more than any other .The song that can bring back good memories or a song that simply always puts you in a good mood . Everyone has a special connection to certain songs , some more than others , as an individual song impacts people differently. For example a song that was playing at a nightclub the first time you met your wife or the song that was playing on the radio when you first heard the news that you’re gana be a mom .

The best song in history could be just temporary and can change over time for you , you might love a song for 10 years and then a new ‘best song in history’ comes along . There is so much music being produced daily , there are over 80 million songs that have been written to date so I think its fair to say as we are being exposed to music daily the best songs can change over time. The best song is the song that you love , not anyone else , but you. The song that you can listen to over and over and never get tired of , the song that brings out the best in you , the song that wants to make you dance around your apartment like no ones watching , the song that makes you cry , the song that gives the inspiration to finish that novel you’ve been writing, the song that makes you bench press that extra 5kg …. it is YOUR song and no one can take that away from you .